Chevron’s overpriced oil

4 - 5 - 2022

In an act of solidarity

Greenpeace joins striking refinery workers to 'stop chevron greed'.

"That's why we're swimming here with workers who use fossil fuels."

In an act of solidarity with Chevron workers fighting for a new job contract as executives boast of a record quarter, U.S. Greenpeace activists joined union members at United Steelworkers Local 5 on Friday to push the picket line out to the waters of the bay to slide to extend them allow an extension from San Francisco.

“The only way we can break the stranglehold these companies have on our wallets, our communities and the planet is by fighting together for a future worth living.”

Nearly 500 workers at the Chevron Oil Refinery in Richmond, California, have been on strike for more than a month, prompting USW Local 5 Vice President B.K. White calls "a movement of workers rising up to challenge a corporation".

Chevron said on Friday that its profits rose to $6.3 billion in the first three months of 2022 -- four times what the fossil-fuel giant did in the same period last year, Common Dreams reported.

This sparked fresh calls from progressives for an unexpected tax to stave off further price inflation and Big Oil's war profits, and underscored one of the reasons workers are demanding better wages.

"What is the answer to corporate greed?" Greenpeace asked on social media. "Solidarity!"

"This is a message to Chevron and companies where employees compete with executives for their fair share, Greenpeace USA will stand by them," said Tefere Gebre, the group's chief program officer, in a statement.

“Workers shouldn't be going on strike to get a fair deal from greedy fossil fuel companies making record profits. They deserve to be heard.”

"Fossil fuel managers and their lobbyists have maintained their dominance by pretending to have the interests of workers and communities," Gebre said. “That is why we are here with fossil fuel workers. The only way we can break the stranglehold these companies have on our wallets, our communities and the planet is by working together to create a future worth living.”

Sources: Green party. org 


Editor : Kenny Stancil

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Activists Without Borders